Marine Fisheries Review

The quarterly journal, Marine Fisheries Review (MFR), has been an official publication of the U.S. government since 1939. It has published review articles, research reports, significant progress reports, technical notes, and news articles on fisheries science, engineering and economics, commercial and recreational fisheries, marine mammal studies, and U.S. and foreign fisheries developments. Emphasis, however, is on in-depth review articles and practical or applied aspects of marine fisheries rather than pure research.

After 85 years as a venue for high-quality review articles, the Marine Fisheries Review has suspended publication. The journal’s legacy of publishing timely review articles on marine fisheries science, however, will continue on the pages of Fishery Bulletin. Review articles will be published under the banner A Marine Fisheries Review.

Topics for in-depth reviews in Fishery Bulletin will include fisheries science, biology, engineering, and economics, commercial and recreational fisheries, and U.S. and foreign fisheries developments. Manuscripts should include an abstract, but the format of the article will be left to the author. Please contact the Fishery Bulletin scientific editor to discuss your ideas regarding a potential review article before embarking on such a project. Once agreed upon, manuscripts should be submitted online at the ScholarOne Manuscripts website for Fishery Bulletin.