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Fishery Bulletin
Differential parasitism by Naobranchia occidentalis (Copepoda: Naobranchiidae) and Nectobrachia indivisa (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae) on northern rock sole (Lepidopsetta polyxystra Orr and Matarese, 2000) and southern rock sole (L. bilineata Ayres, 1855) in
Zimmermann, Mark, Robin C. Harrison, and Anthony F. Jones
Cetacean habitats in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Baumgartner, Mark F., Keith D. Mullin, L. Nelson May, and Thomas D. Leming
Somatic growth function for immature loggerhead sea turtles, <i>Caretta caretta</i>, in southeastern U.S. waters
Bjorndal, Karen A., Alan B. Bolten, Bruce Koike, Barbara A. Schroeder, Donna J. Shaver, Wendy G. Teas, and Wayne N. Witzell
A study of catches in a fleet of “ghost-fishing” pots
Bulllimore, Blaise A., Philip B. Newman, Michel J. Kaiser, Susanne E. Gilbert, and Kate M. Lock
Age, growth, and mortality of gray snapper, <i>Lutjanus griseus</i>, from the east coast of Florida
Burton, Michael L.
Feeding ecology of the Mediterranean spiderfish, <i>Bathypterois mediterraneus</i> (Pisces: Chlorophthalmidae), on the western Mediterranean slope
Carrassón, Maite, and Jesús Matallanas
Larval development of the kishi velvet shrimp, <i>Metapenaeopsis dalei</i> (Rathbun) (Decapoda: Penaeidae), reared in the laboratory
Choi, Jung H., and Sung Y. Hong
Interannual variation in predation on first-year <i>Sebastes</i> spp. by three northern California predators
Hobson, Edmund S., James R. Chess, and Daniel F. Howard
Behavioral reactions of northern bottlenose whales (<i>Hyperoodon ampullatus</i>) to biopsy darting and tag attachment procedures
Hooker, Sascha K., Robin W. Baird, Sa’ad Al-Omari, Shannon Gowans, and Hal Whitehead
Depth distributions and time-varying bottom trawl selectivities for Dover sole (<i>Microstomus pacificus</i>), sablefish (<i>Anoplopoma fimbria</i>), and thornyheads (<i>Sebastolobus alascanus</i> and <em>S. altivelis</em>) in a commercial fishery
Jacobson, Larry D., Jon Brodziak, and Jean Rogers
Yield-per-recruit analysis for black drum, <i>Pogonias cromis</i>, along the East Coast of the United States and management strategies for Chesapeake Bay
Jones, Cynthia M., and Brian K. Wells
Adjustment of commercial trawling effort for Atlantic cod, <i>Gadus morhua</i>, due to increasing catching efficiency
Salthaug, Are
Assessment of skipjack tuna (<i>Katsuwonus pelamis</i>) spawning activity in the eastern Pacific Ocean
Schaefer, Kurt M.
Biochemical identification of shark fins and fillets from the coastal fisheries in New Zealand
Smith, Peter J., and Peter G. Benson
Reproductive cycle, fecundity, and seasonal distribution of the anglerfish <i>Lophius litulon</i> in the East China and Yellow seas
Yoneda, Michio, Muneharu Tokimura, Hitoshi Fujita, Naohiko Takeshita, Koji Takeshita, Michiya Matsuyama, and Shuhei Matsuura
Differential parasitism by Naobranchia occidentalis (Copepoda: Naobranchiidae) and Nectobrachia indivisa (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae) on northern rock sole (Lepidopsetta polyxystra Orr and Matarese, 2000) and southern rock sole (L. bilineata Ayres, 1855) in
Zimmermann, Mark, Robin C. Harrison, and Anthony F. Jones
Size distribution of southern bluefin tuna (<i>Thunnus maccoyii</i>) by depth on their spawning ground
Davis, Tim L. O., and Jessica H. Farley
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