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Fishery Bulletin
Age and Growth-Rate Estimation of Sheepshead Archosargus probatocephalus in Louisiana Waters Using Otoliths
Daniel W. Beckman, A. Louise Stanley, Jeffrey H. Render, Charles A. Wilson
Age, Growth, and Structure of Vertebra in the School Shark Galeorhinus galeus (Linnaeus, 1758) from Southern Brazil
Beatrice Padovanl Ferreira, Carolus Maria Vooren
Fishery-induced Changes in the Population Structure of Pink Shrimp Pandalus jordani
Robert W. Hannah, Stephen A. Jones
Survival and Growth of Early-Juvenile American Lobsters Homarus americanus Through Their First Season While Fed Diets of Mesoplankton, Microplankton, and Frozen Brine Shrimp
Kari L. Lavalli
Fishery Characteristics, Growth, and Movements of the Spiny Lobster Panulirus argus in Bahia de la Ascension, Mexico
Enrique Lozano-Alvarez, Patricia Briones-Fourzan, Bruce F. Phillips
Reproduction, Age and Growth, and Movements of the Gulf Butterfish Peprilus burti
Michael D. Murphy, Mark E. Chittenden Jr.
Evaluation of Hatchery Releases of Juveniles to Enhance Rockfish Stocks, with Application to Pacific Ocean Perch Sebastes alutus
Jeffrey J. Polovlna
Factors Affecting the Abundance of Selected Fishes near Oil and Gas Platforms in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
David R. Stanley, Charles A. Wilson
Annual Variations in Fecundity, Egg Size, and the Gonadal and Somatic Conditions of Queenfish Seriphus politus (Sciaenidae)
Edward E. DeMartini
Chaetognatha from the Central and Southern Middle Atlantic Bight: Species Composition, Temperature-Salinity Relationships, and Interspecific Associations
George C. Grant
Between-Reader Bias and Variability in the Age-Determination Process
Daniel K. Kimura, Julaine J. Lyons
Diel sampling of migratory juvenile salmonids in the Columba River Estuary
Richard D. Ledgerwood, Frank. P. Thrower, Earl M. Dawley
Comparison of two techniques for estimating tilefish, yellowedge grouper, and other deepwater fish populations
Gary C. Matlock, Walter R. Nelson, Robert S. Jones, Albert W. Green, Terry J. Cody, Elmer Gutherz, Jeff Doerzbacher
Impact of Compensatory Responses on Assessment Advice for the Northwest Atlantic Mackerel Stock
WIlliam J. Overholtz, Steven A Murawski, William L Michaels
Detecting differences in fish diets
David A. Somerton
Use of Serum Progesterone and Testosterone to Estimate Sexual Maturity in Dall's Porpoise Phocoenoides dalli
Jonathan L. Temte
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