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Fishery Bulletin
Egg Size, Female Effects, and the Correlations Between Early Life History Traits of Capelin, Mallotus villosus: An Appraisal at the Individual Level
R. Christopher Chambers, William C. Leggett, Joseph A. Brown
Genetic and Morphometric Variation in the Pacific Sardine, Sardinops sagax caerulea: Comparisons and Contrasts with Historical Data and with Variability in the Northern Anchovy, Engraulis mordax
Dennis Hedgecock, Elmarie S. Hutchinson, Gang Li, Frederic L. Sly, Keith Nelson
Abalone (Genus Haliotis) Mariculture on the North American Pacific Coast
David L. Leighton
Size-Specific Vulnerability to Predation and Sensory System Development of White Seabass, Atractoscion nobilis, Larvae
Daniel Margulies
Ageing and Back-Calculating Growth Rates of Pacific Herring, Clupea pallasii, Larvae by Reading Daily Otolith Increments
Erlend Moksness, Vidar Wespestad
Biomasses of Euphausiids and Smaller Zooplankton in the California Current-Geographic and Interannual Comparisons Relative to the Pacific Whiting, Merluccius productus, Fishery
M. M. Mullin, A. Conversi
Residence Times, Distribution, and Production of Juvenile Chum Salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, in Netarts Bay, Oregon
William G. Pearcy, Christopher D. Wilson, Alton W. Chung, John W. Chapman
Development and Distribution of Larvae and Pelagic Juveniles of Three Kyphosid Fishes (Girella nigricans, Medialuna californiensis, and Hermosilla azurea) off California and Baja California
Elizabeth G. Stevens, William Watson, H. Geoffrey Moser
Larval Production and Mortality of Pacific Saury, Cololabis sairn, in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
Yoshiro Watanabe, Nancy C. H. Lo
Optimal Wind Conditions for the Survival of Larval Northern Anchovy, Engraulis mordax: A Modeling Investigation
J. S. Wroblewski, James G. Richman, George L. Mellor
Title page
An eponym for Reuben Lasker
Pauly, Daniel
A key to genera of the penaeid larvae and early postlarvae of the Indo-west Pacific region, with descriptions of the larval development of Atypopenaeus formosus Dall and Metapenaeopsis palmensis Haswell (Decapoda: Penaeoidea: Penaeidae) reared in the labo
Jackson, Christopher J., Peter C. Rothlisberg, Robert C. Pendrey, and Mair T. Beamish
Growth During the Larval and Juvenile Stages of the Northern Anchovy, Engraulis mordax, in the California Current During 1980-84
John L. Butler
Seasonal Differences in Spawning, Egg Size, and Early Development Time of the Hawaiian Anchovy or Nehu, Encrasicholina purpurea
Thomas A. Clarke
Comparative Growth, Mortality, and Energetics of Marine Fish Larvae: Temperature and Implied Latitudinal Effects
Edward D. Houde
Precision and Bias of Estimates of Larval Mortality
Nancy C. H. Lo, John R. Hunter, Roger P. Hewitt
Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus thynnus, Larvae in the Gulf Stream off the Southeastern United States: Satellite and Shipboard Observations of Their Environment
Michael F. McGowan, William J. Richards
Catchability, Growth, and Mortality of Larval Fishes
Wallace W. Morse
Spawning and Survival Patterns of Larval Northern Anchovy, Engraulis mordax, in Contrasting Environments—A Site-Intensive Study
R. W. Owen, N. C. H. Lo, J. L. Butler. G. H. Theilacker, A. Alvarino, J. R. Hunter, Y. Watanabe
Comparison of the Mortality Rates of Pacific Sardine, Sardinops sagax, and Peruvian anchovy, Engraulis ringens, Eggs off Peru
Paul E. Smith, Haydee Santander, Juergen Alheit
Midgut Cell Height Defines Nutritional Status of Laboratory Raised Larval Northern Anchovy, Engraulis mordax
Gail H. Theilacker, Yoshiro Watanabe
Larval Fish Diets in Shallow Coastal Waters off San Onofre, California
William Watson, Raymond L. Davis, Jr.
A Laboratory Study of the Bioenergetics of Larval Walleye Pollock, Theragra chalcogramma
Yoh Yamashita, Kevin M. Bailey
Reuben Lasker: A remembrance
Vlymen, Lillian
A method for correcting catches of fish larvae for the size selection of plankton nets
Somerton, David A., and Donald R. Kobayashi
Larvae of Liparis fucensis and Liparis callyodon: Is the "cottoid bubblemorph" phylogenetically significant?
Marliave, Jeffrey B., and Alex E. Peden
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