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Fishery Bulletin
Explanations of Illustrations
Report of explorations made during 1888 in the Alleghany region of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, and in western Indiana, with an account of the fishes found in each of the river basins of those regions
Jordan, David Starr
Notes on fishes collected at Cozumel, Yucatan, by the U. S. Fish Commission, with descriptions of new species
Bean, Tarleton H.
A report upon the fishes of Kalamazoo, Calhoun, and Antrim Counties, Michigan
Bollman, Charles H.
The sturgeons and sturgeon industries of the eastern coast of the United States, with an account of experiments bearing upon sturgeon culture
Ryder, John A.
Report on the proposed introduction of the Jamaica mountain mullet into the United States
Bean, Tarleton H.
Preliminary report upon the invertebrate animals inhabiting Lakes Geneva and Mendota, Wisconsin, with an account of the fish epidemic in Lake Mendota in 1884
Forbes, S. A.
Explorations of the fishing grounds of Alaska, Washington Territory, and Oregon, during 1888, by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross
Tanner, Z. L. and others
Suggestions for the employment of improved types of vessels in the the market fisheries, with notes on British fishing steamers
Collins, J. W.
The most recent methods of hatching fish eggs
Page, William F.
Notes on the fishes from the lowlands of Georgia, with a description of a new species (Opsopæodus bollmani)
Gilbert, Chas H.
A review of the genera and species of Serranidæ found in the waters of American and Europe
Jordan, David Starr, and Carl H. Eigenmann
The transplanting of lobsters to the Pacific coast of the United States
Rathbun, Richard
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