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Fishery Bulletin
The Canadian and American Fisheries of the Great Lakes
Bissell, John H.
Results of planting shad in the Kennebec River
Smith, Everett
Rapid growth of carp due to abundance of food
Brakeley, John H.
The sponge fisheries of Florida
Ruge, J. G.
An act for securing statistics of the extent and value of the vessel fisheries of the United States
U. S. Congress
Notes upon fish and the fisheries
Smiley, Chas W.
Sea fisheries of France and Algeria in 1885
Statistique des Pêches Maritimes
Salmon not injured by catfish
Dunn, Horace D.
The eggs of fishes
McIntosh, Professor
Whitefish distributed from Northville and Alpena Stations
Clark, Frank N.
The fisheries of Gloucester, Mass., in January, 1887, with notes on those of other localities
Wilcox, W. A.
The fisheries of Gloucester, Mass., in March, 1887, with notes on those of other localities
Wilcox, W. A.
The fisheries of Gloucester, Mass., in April, 1887, with notes on those of other localities
Wilcox, W. A.
The fisheries of Gloucester, Mass., in June, 1887, with notes on those of other localities
Wilcox, W. A.
Report on the shad work of the steamer Fish Hawk during the season of 1887
Smith, James A.
A visit to the chief fishing places of Jutland
Von Oterendorp, C. G.
The finwhale fishery on the Lapland coast in 1886
Cocks, Alfred Heneage
Catch of shad in Connecticut for 1887
Chalker, Robert B.
Notes on the hatcheries and fresh-water fisheries of Iceland
Thorarinsson, Bened. S.
Note on the occurrence of mackerel off the coast of Florida
Collins, J. W.
Report of the movements and operations of the Fish Commission steamer Albatross from September 15 to 20, 1887
Tanner, Z. L.
Notes on the fisheries of Buzzard's Bay and vicinity
Nye, Willard, Jr.
The striped bass or rock fish industry of Roanoke Island, North Carolina, and vicinity
Worth, S. G.
Note on the occurrence of the Opha (Lampris guttatus) on the Grand Banks
Jordan, David S.
The piscicultural establishment at Gremaz (Ain), France
Raveret-Wattel, C.
American silver perch or calico bass
Duclos, Gilbert
Results of investigations by the schooner Grampus, on the southern mackerel grounds in the spring of 1887
Collins, D. E., T. H. Bean, and Richard Rathbun
The Aquarium. A brief exposition of its principles and management
Seal, William P.
An inquiry as to the proper methods for the care of living things held for popular amusement and instruction, or for purposes of biological research
Seal, William P.
Report upon the results of salmon planting in the Hudson River
Mather, Fred
A review of the mackerels (Scombrinæ) of America and Europe
Dresslar, Fletcher B., and Bert Fesler
Report on a successful attempt to introduce living soles to America
Moore, Thomas J.
Notes on the seal and whale fishery of 1880
Southwell, Thomas
American fish cultivated by the Nation Fish-Culture Association of England
Chambers, W. Oldham
Brown trout in America
Mather, Fred
Statistics of the fisheries of the Province of British Columbia for 1886
Mowat, Thomas
Loch Leven trout introduced in the United States
Smiley, Charles W.
Fish-culture on the Pacific Coast
Dunn, Horace D.
Rainbow trout in the southwestern Missouri
Maynard, H. J.
Causes of the decrease of salmon in the Sacramento River
Redding, Joseph D.
Croaking of the perch
Hamilton, W. R.
Best season for packing salmon on the Pacific Coast
Stone, Livingston
The fisheries of Gloucester, Mass., in February, 1887, with notes on those of other localities
Wilcox, W. A.
Notes on the frozen-herring trade with Newfoundland and the Bay of Fundy during the winter of 1886-1887
Wilcox, W. A.
The fisheries of Gloucester, Mass., in May, 1887, with notes on those of other localities
Wilcox, W. A.
Injuries to the fisheries in the Baltic by seals
Hinckelmann, Mr.
Experimentel hygiene. Observations on the red flesh of the codfish
Layet, Alexandre
Report of shad distribution for 1887
McDonald, Marshall
Report on the shad work of the steamer Halcyon during the season of 1887
Hamlen, William
Hatching cod in Norway
Rognerud, Carl
Notes on the use of squid for food in the United States
Collins, J. W.
Report on the fishes observed in Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey, during the summer of 1887
Bean, Tarleton H.
Statistics of the fisheries of the Province of British Columbia for the year 1887
Mowat, Thomas
The American sardine industry in 1880
Earll, R. Edward, and Hugh M. Smith
Information bearing upon the artificial propagation of mullet
Ravenel, W. de C.
Self-reproducing food for young fish
Mason, Frank, II.
Report on the piscicultural establishment of Piedra, Aragon, Spain
Muntadas, F.
A hybrid between the lake trout and brook trout
Bean, Tarleton H.
Notes on certain fishery industries of Eastport, Me., in 1886
Earll, R. Edward
The keeping of salmonidæ for purposes of exhibition
Seal, William P.
The beam-trawl fishery of Great Britain, with notes on beam-trawling in other European countries, etc.
Collins, J. W.
Some reasons why the fishermen of Nova Scotia prefer to use salt clams (Mya arenaria) for bait in the bank hand-line cod fisheries
Collins, J. W.
Statistics respecting certain features of the vessel fisheries of the United States
Collins, J. W.
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