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Fishery Bulletin
Hydrological and biological characteristics of Florida's west coast tributaries
Dragovich, Alexander, John A. Kelly, Jr., and H. Grant Goodell
Mortality rates in populations of pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum, on the Sanibel and Tortugas grounds, Florida
Costello, T. J., and Donald M. Allen
Calanoid copepods from the central north Pacific Ocean
Park, Tai Soo
Migration and distribution of pink salmon spawners in Sashin Oreek in 1965, and survival of their progeny
McNeil, William J.
Diel movement and vertical distribution of juvenile anadromous fish in turbine intakes
Long, Clifford W.
Models of oceanic migrations of Pacific salmon and comments on guidance mechanisms
Royce, William F., Lynwood S. Smith, and Allan C. Hartt
Intragravel flow and interchange of water in a streambed
Vaux, Walter G.
Oceanographic conditions in the northeast Pacific Ocean and their relation to the albacore fishery
Owen, Robert W., Jr.
A rapid method of tagging fish
Sakuda, Henry M.
Preliminary analysis of the catch curve of the Pacific sardine, Sardinops caerulea Girard
Hayashi, Sigeiti
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