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Fishery Bulletin
Catch and estimates of fishing effort and apparent abundance in the fishery for skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in Hawaiian waters, 1952-62
Uchida, Richard N.
Cross-reactive properties of antisera prepared in rabbits by stimulations with teleost vitellins
Utter, Fred M., and George J. Ridgway
The geostrophic circulation and distribution of water properties off the coasts of Vancouver Island and Washington, spring and fall 1963
Ingraham, W. James, Jr.
Responses of marine organisms during the solar eclipse of July 1963
Skud, Bernard E.
Offshore distribution of Hydractinia echinata
Merrill, Arthur S.
Morphology and distribution of larval wahoo Acanthocybium solandri (Cuvier) in the central Pacific Ocean
Matsumoto, Walter M.
Principal diseases of commercially important marine bivalve Mollusca and Crustacea
Sindermann, Carl J., and Aaron Rosenfield
Interaction of food level and exploitation in experimental fish populations
Silliman, Ralph P.
Objective studies of scales of Columbia River chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum)
Koo, Ted S. Y.
Characteristics of the blood of adult pink salmon at three stages of maturity
Hutton, Kenneth E.
Occurrence of macrozooplankton in Tampa Bay, Florida, and the adjacent Gulf of Mexico
Kelly, John A., Jr., and Alexander Dragovich
Systematics and biology of the bonefish, Albula nemoptera (Fowler)
Rivas, Luis R., and Stanley M. Warlen
Shell deformity of mollusks attributable to the hydroid, Hydractinia echinata
Merrill, Arthur S.
Cyclopoid copepods of the genus Tucca (Tuccidae), parasitic on diodontid and tetraodontid fishes
Ho, Ju-shey
Seasonal distribution and relative abundance of planktonic-stage shrimp (Penaeus spp.) in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, 1961
Temple, Robert F., and Clarence C. Fischer
Some features of the Gulf Stream off Chesapeake Bay in the spring of 1963
Mazeika, P. A.
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