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Fishery Bulletin
Age and growth of the redfish (Sebastes marinus) in the Gulf of Maine
Kelly, George F., and Robert S. Wolf
The goldeye, Amphiodon alosiodes (Rafinesque), in the commercial fishery of the Red Lakes, Minnesota
Grosslein, Marvin D., and Llyod L. Smith, Jr.
Food of the squarfish, Ptychocheilus oregonenisis (Richardson) of the Columbia River
Thompson, Richard B.
Effects of fertilizing Bare Lake, Alaska, on growth and production of red salmon (O. nerka)
Nelson, Philip R.
Changes in tuna landings of the Hawaiian longline fishery, 1948-1956
Shomura, Richard S.
Vertical distribution of pelagic fish eggs and larvae off California and Baja California
Ahlstrom, Elbert H.
Variability of skipjack response to live bait
Yuen, Heeny S. H.
Contributions of Hudson and Connecticut Rivers to New York-New Jersey shad catch of 1956
Fischler, Kenneth J.
Food of the pacific sardine (Sardinops caerulea)
Hand, Cadet H., and Leo Berner, Jr.
Distribution and abundance of eggs of the pacific sardine 1952-1956
Ahlstrom, Elbert H.
Relation between fish condition and population size in the sardine (Sardinops caerulea)
MacGregor, John S.
Estimates of larval tuna abundance in the central Pacific
Strasburg, Donald W.
Oceanography of the east central equatorial Pacific as observed during expedition Eastropic
Austin, Thomas S.
Definition of haddock stocks of the northwestern Atlantic
Clark, John R., and Vadim D. Vladykov
Annotated bibliography on biology of American menhaden
Reintjes, John W., James Y. Christmas, Jr., and Richard A. Collins
Determining age of Atlantic menhaden from their scales
June, Fred C., and Charles M. Roithmayr
Seasonal abundance and vertical movements of planktonic crustacea in Lake Michigan
Wells, LaRue
Systematic and biology of the gizzard shad (Dorosoma Cepedianum) and related fishes
Miller, Robert Rush
Development of eggs and larvae of Pacific mackerel and distribution and abundance of larvae 1952-1956
Kramer, David
Synopsis of strigeoidea (Trematoda) of fishes and their life cycles
Hoffman, Glenn L.
Sonic tracking of adult salmon at Bonneville Dam, 1957
Johnson, James H.
Abundance and life history of shad, St. Johns River, Florida
Walburg, Charles H.
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