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Fishery Bulletin
A new species of trout from Lake Tahoe
Snyder, John Otterbein
The sense of smell in fishes
Parker, G. H., and R. E. Sheldon
Anatomy and histology of the alimentary tract of the king salmon
Greene, Charles W.
Observations on fish scales
Cockerell, T. D. A.
Propertires of fish and vegetable oil mixtures
White, George F., and Adrian Thomas
The oxygen requirements of shellfish
Mitchell, Philip H.
The Cephalopoda of the Hawaiian Islands
Berry, S. Stillman
A limnological study of the Finger Lakes of New York
Birge, Edward A., and Chancey Juday
Age at maturity of the Pacific coast salmon of the genus Oncorhynchus
Gilbert, Charles H.
Description of a new darter from Maryland
Radcliffe, Lewis, and William W. Welsh
The fishes of the streams tributary to Monterey Bay, California
Snyder, John Otterbein
Notes on the natural hosts of fresh-water mussels
Surber, Thaddeus
A new method for the determination of the food value of proteins, with application to Cynoscion regalis
White, George F., and Adrian Thomas
The effect of water-gas tar on oysters
Mitchell, Philip H.
The Anthozoa of the Woods Hole region
Hargitt, Charles W.
Carcinoma of the thyroid in the salmonoid fishes
Gaylord, Harvey R., and Millard C. Marsh
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