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Fishery Bulletin
Explanation of Illustrations
Extension of the recorded range of certain marine and fresh-water fishes of the Atlantic Coast of the United States
Kendall, W. C., and Hugh M. Smith
An American fish in Finland
Nordqvist, Oscar
Report upon explorations made in Eel River Basin in the northeastern part of Indiana in the summer of 1892
Kirsch, Philip H.
Report on a collection of fishes from the rivers of central and northern Mexico
Woolman, Albert J.
Notes on the capture of Atlantic salmon at sea and in the coast waters of the eastern states
Smith, Hugh M.
Notes on the fishes of western Iowa and eastern Nebraska
Meek, Seth Eugene
Notes on the fresh-water species of San Luis Obispo County, California
Jordan, David Starr
The salmon fisheries of the Columbia River
McDonald, Marshall
Notes on fishes collected in Florida in 1892
Henshall, James A.
Feeding and rearing fishes, particularly trout, under domestication
Page, William F.
A statistical report on the fisheries of the middle Atlantic states
Smith, Hugh M.
The fishes of the Colorado Basin
Evermann, B. W., and Cloudsley Rutter
Notes on two hitherto unrecognized species of American whitefishes
Smith, Hugh M.
Notes on fishes from the basin of the Mackenzie River in British America
Gilbert, Charles H.
Two fertile cyprinoid hybrids
Knauthe, Karl
Notes on the fresh-water fishes of Washington County, Maine
Kendall, William C.
Report of investigations respecting the fishes of Arkansas, conducted during 1891, 1892, and 1893, with a synopsis of previous explorations in the same state
Meek, Seth Eugene
Results of explorations in western Canada and the northwestern United States
Eigenmann, Carl H.
List of the fishes inhabiting Clear Lake, California
Jordan, D. S., and C. H. Gilbert
On the appliances for collecting pelagic organisms, with special reference to those employed by the U. S. Fish Commission
Tanner, Z. L.
A report upon physical and natural history investigations in the Columbia River Basin
Gilbert, C. H., and B. W. Evermann
Notes on a reconnoissance of the fisheries of the Pacific Coast of the United States in 1894
Smith, Hugh M.
Report upon investigations in the Maumee River Basin during the summer of 1893
Kirsch, Philip H.
A list of the species of fishes known from the vicinity of Neosho, Mo.
Evermann, B. W., and W. C. Kendall
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