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Fishery Bulletin
Measuring change in productivity of a fishery with the Bennet–Bowley indicator
John B. Walden, Rolf Färe, and Shawna Grosskopf
Reproductive dynamics of Gulf menhaden (<em>Brevoortia patronus</em>) in the northern Gulf of Mexico: effects on stock assessments
Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, Robert T. Leaf, Amy M. Schueller, and Michael J. Andres
Management strategy evaluation for the Atlantic surfclam (<em>Spisula solidissima</em>) using a spatially explicit, vessel-based fisheries model
Kelsey M. Kuykendall, Eric N. Powell, John M. Klinck, Paula T. Moreno, and Robert T. Leaf
Investigations into the distribution of sample sizes for determining age composition of multiple species
Peter-John F. Hulson, Dana H. Hanselman, and S. Kalei Shotwell
Quantifying the behavior of fish in response to a moving camera vehicle by using benthic stereo cameras and target tracking
David A. Somerton, Kresimir Williams, and Matthew D. Campbell
Incorporating uncertainty into a length-based estimator of natural mortality in fish populations
Freddy O. López Quintero, Javier E. Contreras-Reyes, and Rodrigo Wiff
Age and growth of the highly exploited narrownose smooth-hound (<em>Mustelus schmitti</em>) (Pisces: Elasmobranchii)
Juan M. Molina, Gabriela E. Blasina, and Andrea C. Lopez Cazorla
Fine-scale vertical movements of oceanic whitetip sharks (<em>Carcharhinus longimanus</em>)
Mariana Tolotti, Robert Bauer, Fabien Forget, Pascal Bach, Laurent Dagorn, and Paulo Travassos
Effects of skipped spawning on the reproductive potential of Argentine hake (<em>Merluccius hubbsi</em>)
Gustavo J. Macchi, Karina Rodrigues, Marina V. Diaz, and María I. Militelli
Use of an underwater video system to record observations of black sea bass (<em>Centropristis striata</em>) in waters off the coast of Maryland
Daniel W. Cullen and Bradley G. Stevens
Fish assemblages associated with red grouper pits at Pulley Ridge, a mesophotic reef in the Gulf of Mexico
Stacey L. Harter, Heather Moe, John K. Reed, and Andrew W. David
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