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Fishery Bulletin
Species compositions of elasmobranchs caught by three different commercial fishing methods off southwestern Australia, and biological data for four abundant bycatch species
Jones, Ashlee A., Norman G. Hall, and Ian C. Potter
Ontogenetic patterns and temperature-dependent growth rates in early life stages of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus)
Hurst, Thomas P., Benjamin J. Laurel, and Lorenzo Ciannelli
Feeding ecology of juvenile Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in a northeast Pacific fjord: diet, availability of zooplankton, selectivity for prey, and potential competition for prey resources
Bollens, Stephen M., Rian vanden Hooff, Mari Butler, Jeffery R. Cordell, and Bruce W. Frost
Movement patterns of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) in the southern Gulf of Maine: observations with the use of passive acoustic telemetry
DeCelles, Gregory R., and Steven X. Cadrin
Demographic characteristics of exploited tropical lutjanids: a comparative analysis
Heupel, Michelle R., Ashley J. Williams, David J. Welch, Campbell R. Davies, Ann Penny, Jacob P. Kritzer, Ross J. Marriott, and Bruce D. Mapstone
Asymmetric conservation benefits of circle hooks in multispecies billfish recreational fisheries: a synthesis of hook performance and analysis of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) postrelease survival
Graves, John E., and Andrij Z. Horodysky
Influence of ocean conditions on the timing of early life history events for blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) off California
Laidig, Thomas E.
Abundance and distribution of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus) within the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, determined from five fishery-independent surveys
Dunton, Keith J., Adrian Jordaan, Kim A. McKown, David O. Conover, and Michael G. Frisk
Day and night abundance, distribution, and activity patterns of demersal fishes on Heceta Bank, Oregon
Hart, Ted D., Julia E. R. Clemons, W. Waldo Wakefield, and Selina S. Heppell
Distribution, growth, and mortality of sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) larvae in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Simms, Jeffrey R., Jay R. Rooker, Scott A. Holt, G. Joan Holt, and Jessica Bangma
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