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Fishery Bulletin
Bycatch of lined seahorses (<i>Hippocampus erectus</i>) in a Gulf of Mexico shrimp trawl fishery
Baum, Julia K., Jessica J. Meeuwig, and Amanda C. J. Vincent
Estimates of survival probabilities for oceanic-stage loggerhead sea turtles (<i>Caretta caretta</i>) in the North Atlantic
Bjorndal, Karen A., Alan B. Bolten, and Helen R. Martins
Developing a growth-transition matrix for the stock assessment of the green sea urchin (<i>Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis</i>) off Maine
Chen, Yong, Margaret Hunter, Robert Vadas, and Brian Beal
Reproductive biology of the blue swimmer crab (<i>Portunus pelagicus</i>, Decapoda: Portunidae) in five bodies of water on the west coast of Australia
de Lestang, Simon, Norman G. Hall, and Ian C. Potter
Allozyme and RAPD variation in the eastern Pacific yellowfin tuna (<i>Thunnus albacares</i>)
Diaz-Jaimes, Pindaro, and Manuel Uribe-Alcocer
A model for assessing the likelihood of self-sustaining populations resulting from commercial production of triploid Suminoe oysters (<i>Crassostrea ariakensis</i>) in Chesapeake Bay
Dew, Jodi R., Jim Berkson, Eric M. Hallerman, and Standish K. Allen Jr.
The early life history of swordfish (<i>Xiphias gladius</i>) in the western North Atlantic
Govoni, John Jeffrey, Elisabeth H. Laban, and Jonathan A. Hare
Does the size of subsamples taken from multispecies trawl catches affect estimates of catch composition and abundance?
Heales, Donald S., David T. Brewer, You-Gan Wang, and Peter N. Jones
Age and growth of blue rockfish (<i>Sebastes mystinus</i>) from central and northern California
Laidig, Thomas E., Donald E. Pearson, and Lorraine L. Sinclair
Reproduction and recruitment of white mullet (<i>Mugil curema</i>) to a tropical lagoon (Margarita Island, Venezuela) as revealed by otolith microstructure
Marin E., Baumar J., Antonio Quintero, Dany Bussiere, and Julian J. Dodson
Fecundity and spawning season of striped mullet (<i>Mugil cephalus</i> L.) in South Carolina estuaries
McDonough, Christopher J., William A. Roumillat, and Charles A. Wenner
Marine fish assemblages associated with fish aggregating devices (FADs): effects of fish removal, FAD size, fouling communities, and prior recruits
Nelson, Peter A.
Age and growth of the bastard grunt (<i>Pomadasys incisus</i>: Haemulidae) inhabiting the Canarian archipelago, Northwest Africa
Pajuelo, Jose G., Jose M. Lorenzo, and Muriel Gregoire
Evaluating the efficacy of managing West Coast groundfish resources through simulations
Punt, Andre E.
Distribution, demography, and discard mortality of crabs caught as bycatch in an experimental pot fishery for toothfish (<i>Dissostichus eleginoides</i>) in the South Atlantic
Purves, Martin G., David J. Agnew, Guillermo Moreno, Tim Daw, Cynthia Yau, and Graham Pilling
The physiological effects of multiple forced submergences in loggerhead sea turtles (<i>Caretta caretta</i>)
Stabenau, Erich K., and Kimberly R. N. Vietti
Quantitative determination of the timing of otolith ring formation from marginal increments in four marine teleost species from northwestern Australia
Stephenson, Peter C., and Norm G. Hall
Application of DNA-based techniques for the identification of whaler sharks (<i>Carcharhinus</i> spp.) caught in protective beach meshing and by recreational fisheries off the coast of New South Wales
Chan, Ricky W. K., Patricia I. Dixon, Julian G. Pepperell, and Dennis D. Reid
Red sea urchins (<i>Strongylocentrotus franciscanus</i>) can live over 100 years: confirmation with A-bomb 14 carbon
Ebert, Thomas A., and John R. Southon
Abundance and distribution of cetaceans in outer continental shelf waters of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
Fulling, Gregory L., Keith D Mullin, and Carrie W. Hubard
Abundance of horseshoe crabs (<i>Limulus polyphemus</i>) in the Delaware Bay area
Hata, David, and Jim Berkson
Use of pop-up satellite archival tags to demonstrate survival of blue marlin (<i>Makaira nigricans</i>) released from pelagic longline gear
Kerstetter, David W., Brian E. Luckhurst, Eric D. Prince, and John E. Graves
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