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Hybridization between two serranids, the coney (<i>Cephalopholis fulva</i>) and the creole-fish (<i>Paranthias furcifer</i>), at Bermuda
Bostrom, Meredith A., Bruce B. Collette, Brian E. Luckhurst, Kimberly S. Reece, and John E. Graves
Effects of experimental harvest on red sea urchins (<i>Strongylocentrotus franciscanus</i>) in northern Washington
Carter, Sarah K., and Glenn R. VanBlaricom
Age and growth of the smooth dogfish (<i>Mustelus canis</i>) in the northwest Atlantic Ocean
Conrath, Christina L., James Gelsleichter, and John A. Musick
Bycatch of billfishes by the European tuna purse-seine fishery in the Atlantic Ocean
Gaertner, Daniel, Frederic Menard, Carol Develter, and Javier Ariz
Life history of South African snoek, <i>Thyrsites atun</i> (Pisces: Gempylidae): a pelagic predator of the Benguela ecosystem
Griffiths, Marc H.
Length and age at maturity of female petrale sole (<i>Eopsetta jordani</i>) determined from samples collected prior to spawning aggregation
Hannah, Robert W, Steven J. Parker, and Erica L. Fruh
The measurement error in marine survey catches: the bottom trawl case
Hjellvik, Vidar, Olav Rune Godo, and Dag Tjostheim
The reproductive biology of the porbeagle shark (<i>Lamna nasus</i>) in the western North Atlantic Ocean
Jensen, Christopher F., Lisa J. Natanson, Harold L. Pratt Jr., Nancy Kohler, and Steven E. Campana
Integration of submersible transect data and high-resolution multibeam sonar imagery for a habitat-based groundfish assessment of Heceta Bank, Oregon
Nasby-Lucas, Nicole M., Bob W. Embley, Mark A. Hixon, Susan G. Merle, Brian N. Tissot, and Dawn J. Wright
An examination of spatial and temporal genetic variation in walleye pollock (<i>Theragra chalcogramma</i>) using allozyme, mitochondrial DNA, and microsatellite data
Olsen, Jeffrey B., Susan E. Merkouris, and James E. Seeb
Movements, behavior, and habitat selection of bigeye tuna (<i>Thunnus obesus</i>) in the eastern equatorial Pacific, ascertained through archival tags
Schaefer, Kurt M., and Daniel W. Fuller
An evaluation of back-calculation methodology using simulated otolith data
Schirripa, Michael J.
Sustainability of elasmobranchs caught as bycatch in a tropical prawn (shrimp) trawl fishery
Stobutzki, Ilona C., Margaret J. Miller, Don S. Heales, and David T. Brewer
Age and growth of the swordfish (<i>Xiphias gladius</i> L.) in the waters around Taiwan determined from anal-fin rays
Sun, Chi-Lu, Sheng-Ping Wang, and Su-Zan Yeh
Distribution and co-occurrence of rockfishes (family: Sebastidae) over trawlable shelf and slope habitats of California and southern Oregon
Williams, Erik H., and Stephen Ralston
Properties of the residuals from two tag-recovery models
Latour, Robert J., John M. Hoenig, and Kenneth H. Pollock
Preliminary study on the use of neural arches in the age determination of bluntnose sixgill sharks (<i>Hexanchus griseus</i>)
McFarlane, Gordon A., Jacquelynne R. King, and Mark W. Saunders
Re-identification of a lamnid shark embryo
Mollet, Henry F., Antonio D. Testi, Leonard J. V. Compagno, and Malcolm P. Francis
Necropsy findings in sea turtles taken as bycatch in the North Pacific longline fishery
Work, Thierry M., and George H. Balazs
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